
DNAPlotter: circular and linear interactive genome visualization


Circular and linear DNA diagrams provide a powerful tool for illustrating the features of a genome in their full genomic context. CGView (Stothard and Wishart,2005) is a circular genome viewer that produces PNG, JPEG or scalable vector graphics (SVG) format. It is primarily designed to be part of a pipeline and not an interactive and editable viewer. GenomeDiagram (Pritchard et al.2006) is a Python module, which can also be used to generate diagrams. GenomePlot (Gibson and Smith, 2003), GenoMap (Sato and Ehira, 2003) and Microbial Genome Viewer (MGV; Kerkhoven et al.2004), are GUI based but do not provide the ability to directly read in files in the common sequence formats or a filtering tool to define tracks.
Circos (http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/circos/) is web-based genome comparison visualizer that is configured from flat files. It can be configured for comparisons within a genome or between multiple genomes. There are also commercial packages available that draw circular and linear plots.
Below we present DNAPlotter, a collaborative project combining graphics from the Jemboss (http://emboss.sf.net/Jemboss/) DNA viewer and Artemis (http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Artemis/) libraries to read files and filter features, which has been designed to be a graphical means of customizing circular and linear diagrams.

