# - SAM files - # #Count number of reads aligning to each contig/chromosome and print total and as a percent awk '{c[$3]++}END{for(j in c) print j,c[j],(c[j]/NR*100),"%"}' Aligned.sam # - Blast files - # #remove self hits awk '$1!=$2' blast_all_vs_all/blast.tab > blast_all_vs_all/blast_no_self.tab # how many matches are 200bp +? awk '$4>200' blast_all_vs_all/blast_no_self.tab| wc #of those how many have 80% ID? awk '$3>80' blast_all_vs_all/blast_no_self.tab| wc #random awking #Show lines where there is a > 0.3 difference in the 5 and 6 columns awk '($6-$5)>0.3' myfile.tab | less -S