
install R package without root

R is a nice compannon for stataitical people.From time to time, I have to install various packages to accomplish some tasks. At my desktop (linux server), I have the root access, the installation is pretty simple,

(1)Start R console and fire the installation command,

sudo R


or you can download the package and install it using the command line

sudo R CMD INSTALL boa_1.1.7-2.tar.gz

(2)When working at other server, apparently, I have no root access, have to install packages at my home dir

make a R local dir, download the package and install it

mkdir ~/myRdir

R CMD INSTALL ctv.tar.gz -l $HOME/myRdir

to use it, you have to defined R_LIB environmental variable, I put it at ~/.bashrc

export R_LIBS

then load it is you need as


