
install R without root

Here I show codes for installation R without root. This is especially attractive for who works on server without root.

1. first make directories for (1) R downloading/installation and (2) R packages installation of potential R you will install.

mkdir R # create folder for potential R
mkdir Rpacks # create folder for R packages installation of potential R

cd R
wget http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/src/base/R-2/R-2.12.2.tar.gz # download R
tar -xvzf R-2.12.2.tar.gz # uncompress it
cd R-2.12.2

less INSTALL # read instruction file for installation

# configure and installation

# check for proper installation
make check # this may not so necessary.

# else your can invoke your R by type in R in the bin folder of the installation path.

2. Followings are some texts for INSTALL file for instruction of installation
As you are reading this file, you have unpacked the R sources and are
presumably in the top directory. Issue the following commands:


(If your make is not called `make', set the environment variable MAKE to
its name, and use that name throughout these instructions.)
This will take a while, giving you time to read `R-admin.html'.

Then check the built system worked correctly, by

make check

and make the manuals by (as many options as preferred from)

make dvi to create DVI versions
make pdf to create PDF versions
make info to create info files

However, please read the notes in `R-admin.html' about making the
reference manual.

3. the final step is setting up the path for your R in the .bash_profile. This would be done by adding lines like the followings in the file .bash_profile, and then source it.

alias r='/your path/R/R-2.12.2/bin/R'
export R_LIBS=/your path/Rpacks

