
Linux Command Related with Process

For this purposeUse this CommandExamples*
To see currently running process ps$ ps
To stop any process by PID i.e. to kill processkill    {PID}$ kill  1012
To stop processes by name i.e. to kill processkillall   {Process-name}$ killall httpd
To get information about all running processps -ag$ ps -ag
To stop all process except your shellkill 0$ kill 0
For background processing (With &, use to put particular command and program in background)linux-command  &$ ls / -R | wc -l &
To display the owner of the processes along with the processes  ps aux$ ps aux
To see if a particular process is running or not. For this purpose you have to use ps command in combination with the grep command ps ax | grep  process-U-want-to see
For e.g. you want to see whether Apache web server process is running or not then give command$ ps ax | grep httpd
To see currently running processes and other information like memory and CPU usage with real time updates.top
See the output of top command.

$ top

that to exit from top command press q.
To display a tree of processespstree$ pstree


