
efforts on importing global climate data to R

Here I found Steven have contributed much efforts on importing global climate data to R. So cool. That would be very valuable resources for ecological and evolutionary studies.

  1. Global Historical Climatology Network – Monthly
  2. Global Historical Climatology Network – Daily
  3. US Historical Climatology Network – Monthly
  4.  World Monthly Surface Station Climatology
  5.  Hadley Centre / Climate Research Unit Data Collection
  6.  US Cooperative Summary of the Month
  7.  US Cooperative Summary of the Day
  8.  US First Order Summary of the Day
  9.  Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  10.  GSN Monthly Summaries from NOAA
  11.  Monthly Climatic Data of the World
  12.  GCOS Monthly Summaries from DWD
  13.  World Weather Records (only those published since 1961)
  14.  Colonial Era Weather Archives.
The data files are availabe here: http://berkeleyearth.org/data/

