
R Markdown and Rpub

1. R Markdown

R Markdown enables easy authoring of reproducible web reports from R. It offers:
  • Easy creation of web reports from R that can be automatically regenerated whenever underlying code or data changes.
  • A highly accessible syntax (markdown) which lower the barriers to entry for reproducible research.
  • Output of a standalone HTML file (with images embedded directly in the file) that is easy to share using email, Dropbox, or by deploying to a web server.
  • Support for publishing dynamic and interactive web content.
This article includes an overview of how to use R Markdown within RStudio. For more specific details on syntax and implementation, see the R Markdown article.

2. Rpub

a free service that makes it easy to publish documents to the web from R. RPubs is a quick and easy way to disseminate data analysis and R code and do ad-hoc collaboration with peers.

