
tips on installing EggLib on linux

The following lines from the author of EggLib (http://egglib.sourceforge.net/), Stéphane.

But first, check if you have the "cmake" program installed on the server. If so, the preferred approach is to issue the following commands in each of bpp-core, bpp-seq and bpp-popgen (in that order, and the other libraries are not needed by egglib).

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/local
$ make install

(where ~/local is a directory in you local home folder).

For installing egglib locally, I have managed to do it several times myself, and I found my trick to be good enough at the moment. Please check the following tutorial:

Installation of egglib on a server without administration rights.

1) The server must be POSIX-compliant (as are Linux, MacOS, Solaris).

2) Assume the user home path is: /home/alfred (shortcut as ~).
   Replace it by whatever is the correct path.  Don't use the "~"
   shortcut when invoking "python setup.py".

3) Create a `local` directory for installed software.
   Commonly, one will use ~/.local, but here we will use ~/local.

    $ mkdir ~/local

4) Get the needed source archives within the `local` directory:
    - egglib-cpp-2.1.3.tar.gz
    - eggcoal-2.1.3.tar.gz
    - eggstats-2.1.3.tar.gz
    - egglib-py-2.1.3.tar.gz
    (from http://sourceforge.net/projects/egglib/files/current/

    and decompress them here.
5) Go to egglib-cpp-2.1.3 and type the following commands:

   $ ./configure --prefix=/home/alfred
   $ make
   $ make install

6) If you need them, go to eggcoal and eggstats directories and type
   the following commands:
   $ ./configure --prefix=/home/alfred/local LDFLAGS=-L/home/alfred/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/home/alfred/local/include
   $ make
   $ make install

7) Go to egglib-py and type the following:

   $ python setup.py build --prefix=/home/alfred/local
   $ python setup.py build_apps --prefix=/home/alfred/local

   The first command should take some time while it is compiling.
8) It is not possible to install egglib locally, but you can workaround
   to get the python module operating.

    $ mkdir ~/local/python
    $ cp -R build/lib-linux-*/* ~/local/python
    $ cp -R build/scripts-*/egglib ~/local/python/egglibrun

9) EggLib is now locally installed, but Python is not aware of it. If
   you need to write or run python scripts using egglib, you need to
   start the files with the following:
   import sys
   import egglib

