
take or copy a screenshot from the Ubunut terminal

 take a screenshot from the terminal is with scrot. I learned about this at UbuntuForums.org.
To install scrot (on Ubuntu) type:
sudo aptitude install scrot
To take a screenshot in Linux from the terminal with scrot type:
scrot MyScreenshot.png
To get a screenshot and immediately open it in the GIMP, type:
scrot -q 85 -d 5 screenshot.png && gimp screenshot.png &
The -q option sets the quality. The -d sets the delay. The && means that if the first command is true, then execute the second. The final & means to run the commands in the background so that you can still use that terminal for other commands.
For more information about using scrot, read the man pages by typing the following in the terminal:
man scrot

